Random minecraft screenshots

If youve played minecraft java youve probably either a: been very trigger happy with your f2 screenshot key, or b: have accidentally pressed f2 many more times than is normal,, (definitely not me)

so instead of showing off my builds like a normal person, which is lame, im deciding to put alot of random minecraft screenshots ive taken throughout the past few years here. i dont have all of them just cuz of the number of pc wipes and such where i,, didnt backup anything. but heres some of the ones i do have still! (you can use open image in new tab to get a better look at some of the screenshots, specifically to see any text in them)




id also like to throw other screenshots i have from other games onto this page too, but if i did that this page would be insanely long so uhh,, if you want to see my screenshots from other games you can check them out here on my steam!














